What We Offer
Massage is the systematic and scientific manipulation of soft tissue and joints of the body. It has been used for thousands of years for relaxation and to restore and promote the good health of both mind and body. Massage reduces stress, relieves physical tension, improves mental response and productivity, aids in the prevention of repetitive stress syndrome (RSS), increases cardiovascular efficiency, enhances the immune system and reduces delayed onset muscle soreness.
Massage therapy can be effective for treating:
- Joint Pain/Muscle Pain/Chronic Pain from Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Arthritis
- Sprains/Strains/Swelling
- Pregnancy and Postpartum/Neurological complaints
- Stress/Muscle Tension/Disordered Sleep
- Post Surgical Pain from joint replacements, breast (mastectomy, augmentation), laproscopy, post cesarean section, rupture repair, etc
Rehabilitative Massage Therapy
Focuses on specific musculoskeletal dysfunction and systemic conditions. This includes but is not limited to post surgical care, trauma, chronic pain, musculoskeletal injuries and acute and chronic disease processes.
Massage can help your body and mind to refocus and relax. Squeezing, stretching and kneading release tight muscles and natural endorphins. This results in decreased pain, decreased heart rate, increased self awareness and a sense of calm. There is good therapy in experiencing a deep, restful state.
Pediatric Care
Providing care and treatment for children and youth with special needs (physical and mental health) and for a sense of health and well being. Family Center RMTs offer professional healthy touch and consent is always negotiated. We have many tools for treating the child and youth patient. Parental consent must be given before treatment can commence. A doctor’s referral may be required depending on the condition. We have had good success with post surgical pain, sleep disorders, pain, asthma, anxiety, disordered eating, diabetes, dysmorphia and family life transitions.
Pregnancy (pre- and post-partum) Care
Individuals in their childbearing year have a host of unique physical challenges. All staff are educated and experienced in providing treatment during normal healthy pregnancy and post-partum period. Common complaints that respond well to treatment are swelling, headaches, low back pain, sacroiliac pain, round ligament pain, groin pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, hip pain, general achiness and fatigue. Home and hospital visits may be arranged.
Post Surgical Care
Patients can benefit with massage therapy post surgically by reducing inflammation, increasing circulation and the suppleness of the tissue. Scar management and post surgical pain management with massage therapy techniques, hydrotherapy and appropriate remedial exercise. By incorporating massage therapy, you may have increased flexibility, strength, sensation and functionality of each area.
Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD)
Patients with swelling and edema due to systemic presentations, post surgical insult, medication or cancer treatment respond well to the gentle approach of manual lymph drainage. MLD may be helpful for planned surgeries to establish positive fluid mechanics prior to the surgery.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)
Performed with the patient on a massage table, the touch is generally light and still. The treatment is focused on supporting the health of the whole person and focuses on modulating the nervous system. There is the potential to relax the body’s tension and recognize patterns of constriction. There is a patient’s perceptions of calming of the central and peripheral nervous system. There may also be an awareness of emotions in response to the treatment.